On Market

Herbrand Walk East, Bexhill on Sea, TN39 4TX

Abbott and Abbott Estate Agents offer for sale a timber-built beach hut, situated directly on the beach on a freehold plot, with glorious panoramic views over the sea and with Beachy Head and the South Downs in the distance to the west. The hut measures 9’9 x 6’6, plus a covered canopy and decking measuring 6’5 wide x 3’9. The plot is long and narrow, encompassing the width of the hut and, length-wise, from the road to the mean high water mark.

The hut is located towards the western outskirts of the town, with Cooden Beach railway station and the Cooden Beach Hotel just a few hundred yards distant.

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    Agent Details
    Mark Pelham
    Senior Sales Agent
    There can’t be many roads left in Bexhill where Mark hasn’t sold or valued a property! Having joined Abbott & Abbott as a trainee in 1987, Mark is now one of the most experienced and knowledgeable agents in the town with nearly 40 years in and around the Bexhill property market. A life-long Norwich City fan, Mark is also known for appearances in local theatrical productions

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